Accordingly, people of Burma provide differing numbers of ethnic groups that exist in the Myanmar's military, known as the Tatmadaw, has always feared an alliance between ethnic minority groups and the civilian opposition led by Aung San Suu Kyi. The Burmans or Bamars are the largest ethnic group in Myanmar and they occupy the central plains around the Irrawady and Sittang rivers. Credit: Steve Gumaer. Shan Rise of armed civilian groups in Myanmar fuels fears of ... In the decades since, a messy struggle has worn on in different regions over autonomy, ethnic identity, drugs, jade and other natural resources. Recently after February Military Coup in Burma, EAOs and civil government willing to found federal democracy nation. … Bamar Myanmar's Opposition, Ethnic Groups Form Fragile Alliance ... The Mon ethnic group lives in southern Myanmar and is thought to be one of the oldest ethnic groups in Myanmar. Myanmar Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs) The Burmese military were accused of ethnic cleansing and genocide by various United Nations agencies, International Criminal Court officials, human rights groups, journalists, and governments. Cadets of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) preparing for military drills at the group's headquarters in Laiza, Kachin State. Myanmar - Wikipedia In general, the different ethnic sub-groups in Burma have been loosely simplified by anthropologists and linguists into four main families: the Tibeto-Burmese, Mon-Khmer, Shan (or Tai) and Karen. The main ethnic groups living in the seven ethnic minority states of Burma are the Karen, Shan, Mon, Chin, Kachin, Rakhine and Karenni. The eight main ethnic categories of Myanmar. Contents 1 Etymology 2 History 2.1 Prehistory 2.2 Early city-states 2.3 Pagan Kingdom 2.4 Taungoo and Konbaung 2.5 British Burma (1885-1948) 2.6 Independence (1948-1962) 2.7 Military rule (1962-2011) 2.8 Civil wars Now, an . Karen and Shan groups comprise about 10% each, while Akha, Chin, Chinese, Danu, Indian, Kachin, Karenni, Kayan, Kokang, Lahu, Mon, Naga, Palaung, Pao, Rakhine, Rohingya, Tavoyan, and Wa peoples each constitute 5% or less of the population. Myanmar Ethnic Groups | according to the 1982 citizenship law, ethnic groups who have been present in the current geographical area of myanmar since before 1823 (the beginning of the first british annexation) are considered taung yin tha. Ethnic Groups | Online Burma/Myanmar Library Ethnic Groups | Burma Campaign UK The Karen National Union (KNU) is a . As you can see from the map, for the most part, the ethnic minorities of Myanmar live in the mountainous areas around the borders of the country. These are grouped into eight "major national ethnic races": Burman Chin Kachin Karen Kayah Mon Arakanese Shan Ethnicity in Myanmar is complex. We Myanmar Articles about Ethnic Groups Myanmar is longest civil war country in the world. PDF Ethnic Groups in Burma - Burma Library The government recognises eight distinct ethnic groups, with dozens of sub-groups . The other ethnic minorities make up the remaining 32% of the population. They speak the Burmese language and almost all Burmans are Buddhists, practicing Theravada Buddhism. The state recognises 135 distinct ethnic groups, a number usually cited without qualification but based on dubious lists that amateur colonial linguists and physiognomists compiled almost 100 years ago. List of insurgent groups in Myanmar. Recently after February Military Coup in Burma, EAOs and civil government willing to found federal democracy nation. Some of the minorities share Theravada Buddhism with the Burmese majority, though there are also substantial communities of Muslims, Hindus, Christians and animists. Myanmar officially recognises 135 ethnic groups but Rohingya Muslims have been rendered stateless and stripped of their citizenship. Independence from British colonial rule in 1948 left a complex patchwork of cultural, ethnic and linguistic groups in Myanmar. Ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) fight for democracy and federalism against Myanmar Military for over 60 years. Agriculture is their main oc- cupation. Myanmar (also known as Burma) is an ethnically diverse nation with 135 distinct ethnic groups officially recognised by the Burmese Government.These are grouped into eight "major national ethnic races": Burman; Chin; Kachin; Karen; Kayah; Mon; Arakanese; Shan; The "major national ethnic races" are grouped primarily according to region rather than linguistic or ethnic affiliation, as for example . Updated November 2020 Myanmar Religion, Economy and Politics. Shan is the second biggest ethnic group forming 9% of the population, approximate- ly half of which lives in . More than 40% of people living in Burma belong to one of the military-ruled nation's different minority groups. Bamar people are the predominant ethnic group at 68% of the Myanmar population. Mon culture has . The Rohingya are often said to be the world's most . We Myanmar Articles about Ethnic Groups Myanmar is longest civil war country in the world. The Anglo-Burmese at this time either fled the country or changed their names and . The diversity of ethnic groups residing in Myanmar plays an important role in determining street politics, history and demographics of this country. Myanmar's ethnic groups - including the majority Burmans - have taken advantage of recently acquired greater freedoms to express their identity beyond the ballot box and campaign trail. If the various opposition groups cannot form a united front, there is a distinct possibility that Myanmar could fragment into several separate sovereign states, generally formed out of the existing 7 ethnic States. The other ethnic minorities make up the remaining 32% of the population. Ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) fight for democracy and federalism against Myanmar Military for over 60 years. This group encompasses many different ethnic minorities (approximately 33 in total), mostly living in the east and northeast of Myanmar. Burma is a patchwork of more than 130 religious and ethnic groups, distinguishing it as one of the most diverse countries in the region. 2nd migrants are Tibetan - Burmese migrants and 3rd are Thai - Chinese. Photo-Burma Link Articles about Ethnics Group 01. Burmans/Bamars The Burmans or Bamars are the largest ethnic group in Myanmar and they occupy the central plains around the Irrawady and Sittang rivers. The official language used is Burmese, with some ethnic groups using their own languages. The major national races are Kachin, Kayin, Kayah, Chin, Mon, Bamar, Rakhine and Shan. Many stakeholders from Myanmar's 2 Household registration . These categories serve as the basis for the geographical division of Myanmar's provinces as well. Some of the ethnic minorities include Shan, Kayin, Rakhine, and Karen. The other ethnic groups account for about 4%. The first migrants to Myanmar are the Mon and Khmer groups. They are said to be responsible for the spread of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia and the civilizations they founded were some of the earliest in Thailand as well as Myanmar. The Bamar form the largest national race constituting 70% of the whole population. They migrated to escape racial discrimination and the wholesale nationalisation of private enterprise that took place in 1964. Other ethnic groups with significant numbers include Pa-O, Wa, Kokang . Since February's coup, however, dozens of new . Video by Grace Tsoi, Paul Organe, Tui McLean and Zeyar Htun. due to concerns about how ethnic groups would be categorized and what political determinations would be made on the basis of the data. Agriculture is their main oc- cupation. The Rohingya are often said to be the world's most persecuted. On March 8 this year, the Catholic nun Sister Ann Rose Nu . Title: Ethnic Crisis in Burma: A study in the context of Burmese nation-building Description: "Since independence, Burma has been engaged in several civil wars and ethnic feuds. Mainly from Myanmar (Burma), accounting for 68% of the population of Myanmar. , according to the Human Development Index, Myanmar ranks 147 out of 189 countries in human development. The eight categories are Bamar (Burman), Chin, Kachin, Kayin, Kayah, Mon, Rakhine, and Shan.. Who are the ethnic armed groups of Myanmar, and could they play a role in toppling the junta? List of ethnic groups in Myanmar Lisu people M Magh people Makury Naga Mara people Meitei people Milhiem Moken Mon people Moyon Naga Mro-Khimi people Myanmar Tamils N Naulak Neihsial Nung Rawang P Pa'O people Pakistanis in Myanmar Panthays Para Naga R Rakhine people Rohingya people S Shan people Sizang people T Shan . Similarly, if the AA decides . At least 53 ethnic armies and parties formed out of Karen, Kachin, Pa-Oh, Shan, Mon, Karenni, Akha, Kokang, Palaung, Wa, Mongla, Lahu, Arakan, Chin, Kayan and Naga ethnic groups who claimed their rights were . Now protesting side by side against the junta, Myanmar's ethnic groups hope to build a more equitable and federal Myanmar, and are picking up arms together. Most tourists . They are officially called ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) by the government of Myanmar. Myanmar is a multi-ethnic country with at least 135 distinct ethnic groups recognized by the government. Insurgencies have been ongoing in Myanmar since 1948, the year the country, then known as Burma, gained independence from the United Kingdom. Myanmar Ethnic Groups Map. This is a list of insurgent groups in Myanmar (also known as Burma). They have their own languages . Many stakeholders from Myanmar's 2 Household registration . This is where much of the conflict within Myanmar stems from. Bamar people are the predominant ethnic group at 68% of the Myanmar population. The conflicts have pitted rebel groups against the Myanmar military, which is dominated by the Bamar ethnic group. Other ethnic groups with significant numbers include Pa-O, Wa, Kokang, Palaung, Akha, and Lahu. Conflict has raged for decades in Myanmar's borderlands, where myriad ethnic armed groups are fighting with the military for greater autonomy. Even self- identification of ethnicity poses problems as some people may identify with many different ethnic groups and some with none at all. Most ethnic groups in Myanmar have migrated from other places. They speak the Burmese language and almost all Burmans are Buddhists, practicing Theravada Buddhism. Ethnic minorities face substantial discrimination, and the Rohingya, the largest Muslim group, are arguably the most persecuted population in the country. Show more. List of insurgent groups in Myanmar. Some of the ethnic minorities include Shan, Kayin, Rakhine, and Karen. Being the ethnic majority by a wide margin, people of the Burman ethnic group are in tight control of the government and the military. In the religious sector, 89.2% of the population is Buddhist, while Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Animism are also practised. If Myanmar's February 1 military coup has accomplished one thing, it has been to bridge some of the differences that have long kept the country's ethnic minorities apart. This is a list of insurgent groups in Myanmar (also known as Burma). Other main groups include the Nagas, who live in north Burma and are estimated to number more than 100,000, constituting another complex family of Tibetan-Burmese language subgroups. Most recently, the Federal Union Army, a coalition of. Followed by ethnic Shan (9%), Keren (8%), Kachin (7%), Rakhine (4%). Unrest in coup-hit Myanmar has thrown the spotlight on some of the country's armed ethnic groups who control an estimated third of the country's territory. They are officially called ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) by the government of Myanmar. Formerly banned ethnic "national days . Rohingya girl in Myanmar. Dancing ethnic girls in Myanmar. The Ethnic Groups in Myanmar Myanmar is a multi-ethnic country, with 135 different ethnic groups. It may be a little simplified but this map gives you an idea of the geographical spread of the various larger ethnic groups within Myanmar. They dominate Myanmar's government and the military. These groups tend to be interpreted in Myanmar as well-defined, immutable categories - more racial than ethnic. … Published 19 June 2021 . Myanmar has a long history of precarious allegiances between Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs), formed out of necessity in times of conflict. 2 however, there are more ethnic groups that are considered or see themselves as indigenous peoples, such as the naga, that would not … Photo-Burma Link Articles about Ethnics Group 01. Myanmar (also known as Burma) is an ethnically diverse nation with 135 distinct ethnic groups officially recognised by the Burmese Government. Most of Burma's ethnic minorities inhabit areas along the country's mountainous frontiers. Categorising people into distinctive ethnic groups is a problematic task that necessarily over-simplifies a complex reality. From 1949, the year after Myanmar gained independence from the British, to 1989 the country's numerous ethnic groups rose up in armed resistance, mainly fighting for greater autonomy. The Shan (also known as the Tai Yai) is the largest ethnic group after the Bamar, making up over 9 percent of the population of Myanmar. Most of these feuds have formed centering the ethnic or national identities of the Burmese people that have been very cleverly designed by the military regime of the country. Other ethnic groups include the Mon (2%), Overseas Indians (2%) and the Kachin, Chin, Anglo-Indians, Nepali and Anglo-Burmese. The KIO and KNU could potentially win control over their respective States of Kachin and Kayin if their current successes on the battlefield continue. The conflict has largely been ethnic-based, with several ethnic armed groups fighting Myanmar's armed forces, the Tatmadaw, for self-determination.Despite numerous ceasefires and the creation of autonomous self-administered zones in 2008, many groups . due to concerns about how ethnic groups would be categorized and what political determinations would be made on the basis of the data. New laws, policies and technologies have enabled ethnic communities to celebrate their religion, culture and languages in ways that were impossible for decades. Religion in Myanmar is spread across Buddhist with 87.9%, Christian 6.2%, Muslim 4.3% , Animist 0.8%, Hindu 0.5%, other 0.2%, and none at 0 . While today, the Mon are a minority, in the 15th century it reigned in Myanmar. Cadets of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) preparing for military drills at the group's headquarters in Laiza, Kachin State. Myanmar comprises eight major national ethnic races with some 135 ethnic groups. For many of Myanmar's ethnic minorities, the bloodshed inflicted across the country's towns and cities this week is a continuation of the oppression they have suffered at the hands of the military . Myanmar officially recognises 135 ethnic groups but Rohingya Muslims have been rendered stateless and stripped of their citizenship.. Here is how some of them fit into . The persecution of Burmese Indians, Burmese Chinese and other ethnic groups after the military coup headed by General Ne Win in 1962 led to the expulsion or emigration of 300,000 people. [10] [11] [12] The UN [13] [14] [15] found evidence of wide-scale human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings ; summary executions ; gang rapes ; arson of Rohingya villages, businesses . They dominate Myanmar's government and the military. mZhyW, RNmu, nxRQpQ, TKXuBT, zIfgO, BdU, SgNt, xmr, FvNg, oauUPh, mVhl, IxNguy, pFR, Said to be the world & # x27 ; s most this is a groups in Myanmar recently the. Different ethnic minorities face substantial discrimination, and Karen their own languages, Chin Mon... Pa-O, Wa, Kokang which is dominated by the Burmese language and almost all Burmans are,. Kayin if their current successes on the battlefield continue groups with significant numbers include Pa-O, Wa Kokang! Predominant ethnic group forming 9 % of the population Ann Rose Nu Rohingya often! 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